Associazione PLANA launches again this year the 9th edition of Design Photo Remix. A fruitful work that allows us to reflect on a crucial topic that is Reality and Relationships – a very dear and felt topic for our future growth.
But if we look more closely, I think we are all aware that it is the expression of many passages that need qualified relationships to express that ultimate result which is “the perceived object”.
The attention to relationships is – today more than ever – primary; more and more complex, rapid and demanding, they must be put at the first place in the work process. The synergy of the group, of the qualified team is more and more essential, but not only as a professional competence but also as a human capacity of relationship. In our ethical progress, in the principles that we aim to consolidate, being in relationship means the ability to “listen” as well as to “say”, the ability to take a “step back” when necessary to improve ourselves.
Design Photo Remix 2020, in its 9th edition, investigates with its creative photos on this primary value – often not very visible, however indispensable.
The Urbanime by Diemmebi Benches in a vertical image, accentuate the repetition of a need …that of the proximity of intent.
It is a relationship that comes out from the individuality of the subject and expresses the value of the whole, a higher, more complete value
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